The other day I had beautiful trip with Lili and Gourav. We had some good moments of sharing and dance!
Dancing with the CHINESE!
I think its high time to dance with the Chinese. Both India and Chinese are great civilizations and geographical neighbours. They both are poised to become the first and the third largest economies in the world within the next 25 years.
There might have some misunderstandings in the past - some border issues! But it is not unresolvable. Both India and China should have the maturity and wisdom to solve it amicably in the wider interests of both countries.
After all, what's the point in having mistrust between two world players of the upcoming world when they have to live very next to each other?
As somebody said, "the best way to eliminate your enemy is to make him/her your friend!"
Lily (she is actually "Yao") agreed with us completely. She is a lovely gal (all the Chinese guys I met here are beautiful... I don't understand why WE didn't understand them early) . If the yellow and the brown are united, there's more chances of hope and prosperity in the world (at least in 'their part of the world'.. hi hi).
I've started to learn Chinese.
Zai Chian (bye bye)