Again, it will be good for America to have a visionary (at least a sensible person) like Obama, but a Hillary for emerging countries like India and China. With Obama, America MAY get rid of its doomsday, but with the likes of Clintons there's more chance for that country to come into peril. It's a gut feeling based on my readings on world affairs. With his characteristic eloquence on hope (Hope is a precious thing!), Obama may be able to divert the attention of American people from their defeats - in Iraq, economics, and so on - and to put them in the real place in the world order: an honourable position were US still be a major power but less intervening in other's matters and at the same time bringing all around the table for the common good of humanity - like climate change issues and threat of terrorism.
But with the Clitons, there could be great political laundering - and even countries like China and India may try to gain from it by even horse-trading their politicians, I fear. US can easily become the India of 16th century.