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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

An Open letter to all "Jesus Youths"

This is my reply to a discussion at JYMACE (Jesus Youth, MA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kochi, India) yahoogroups. I attach my reply first and the mail of Chanchal which provoked it. It is basically a general question and an open challenge to all Jesus Youths.

My Response

Hi All,

I thought, I should reply to this mail (now bit old though).

What I havent seen in JY (better call Jesus Youth, according to Chanchal) regarding "long term commitment" is that Jesus Youths opting for the real "long term commitment" - ie, vocation into priestly and religious life. I worked with Jesus Youth after dedicating myself to Jesus through CMI congregation in the first place. I have seen so many zealous JYs after that (my friends and colleagues). But I havent seen any of them taking the real challenge of committing themselves through priestly or religious vocation. I always thought why? JY is supposed to be the biggest Catholic movement in Kerala/India. But how much/many JY has contributed to the ministerial work of Church? A BIG question to be answered? At some point I doubted JY has become a distraction to the vocations to ministerial priesthood and religious life, by over-emphasizing laity role in evangelization and even sometimes keeping a distance from the local Church authorities for the "development" of Jesus Youth itself. From my experience, I know one thing, there is no substitute for ministerial priesthood and religious life in the life of the Church. But I dont know whether I am fully right/wrong regarding my comments on JY (I know JY is now starting a new priestly ministry and hope this new emphasis on "long-term commitment" is not simply directed at it :). An introspection is always good.

I would encourage all young men and women in Jesus Youth to look into this challenge. If you really feel that you are called to a life-long and complete commitment, please seriously consider the prospect of a religious or priestly life in a religious congregation, in a diocese or in a society. Church needs more priests and nuns. Jesus needs more priests and nuns. God bless.

With love,

Fr Jaison Paul Mulerikkal CMI

Chanchal's mail

Hello George,

Let me be straight. So you have got new insights about Catholic Faith and Life time commitment etc.I have a friend who was a fulltimer some years back in the north east of India, who now believes that what he did then was just an act of impulse. He lives in his own ways now. As you are aware of, this is not a single case, you can find a very large number of such cases.

Are you sure you will not end up like that, when this feel good feeling is all over?

A qn to all: How can we ensure each of us will not end up like that. Just for thought..


Sunday, August 16, 2009

US (and the West) has to learn how to deal sensibly with East and Islam

SRK was detained and questioned in US airport. US is loosing all the goodwill of Muslims in India and over the world. Pity.

The so called security procedure of US is going overboard. Its all about a balance between professionalism and sensitivity to Eastern cultural values, I guess. If this was happened to politicians or celebrities in the West, it would not have created so much fuss. On the other had, the public would have enjoyed it. But in the East respect for the "Elderly, religious, rich and influential" people are paramount. Irreverence to them is less tolerated, even in the public level. The West simply ignored that in the past, coz, the East was subjugated for economic and political reasons. But as the East gets more power and influence, they will start to assert their values. Now, its the time the West start to listen to it and adjust.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Split India, China strategic reporter says! My response is cautious

I'm sure, China will play games.. because they fear US has included India to create a circle of enemies around China (India, Japan, Aus, etc). That will annoy China. So they try to create a small circle around India - Pak, SL, Bangla, Nepal, etc and try splitting us).

We need US and China. Even if we ally with US, we have to make it clear to China that we are not their enemies. Then only they wont worry much abt India and India n China will prosper together.

That's the way to go..

Sunday, August 9, 2009

China-India hotline soon

China-India hotline soon.. A welcoming news.. The two emerging powers in the region should have it.. I can sense that it is a very positive news. At the moment China has it only with US and India has it only with Russia

Only improved relations between India and China can bring bargaining power and just deals for these countries with other "Developed nations". I can reflect on India, China, Aus relationships. India wants Uranium from Aus, China wants Iron ore from Aus. But Aus plays a double game with India and China and split them apart and always make sure that their resources and over priced. If this has to end, both India and China should stand together, at least for economic issues like this, setting apart their political differences. Then only India and China will get reasonably priced resources from Australia.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A.R Rahman's "Mustafaa Mustafaa DON'T WORRY mustafaa" from the movie Kadal Desam.

I loved this movie and song, when I saw it as a kid :) The friendship, esp among boys (and also among gals) were so intense and sincere. They never thought abt the word "gay" or "lesbian". We enjoyed friendship. But the import of some Western junk "free thinking" into India may ruin all these innocence, I'm afraid. Many of the Western commentators in this youtube site even fail to understand that it is not a "gay" relationship but only friendship. It's a pity. But the saddest thing is Eastern culture is also getting malicious with these undesirable influence from the West. Our children may not enjoy innocence and friendship as we have enjoyed. If they hold hands, hug, pat.. they will be branded as "gays" and "lesbians". Pity.

God save friendship! Long live friendship and innocence...

Where is Krishna? Australia is punching above its weight!

I watched in a side story of ABC lateline yesterday that Indian foreign minister S M Krishna is in Australia. I saw him on tele coming to Melbourne and received by Victorian premier. Its humiliating in itself! its just like Stephen Smith is been received by CM of Kerala! Moreover Krishna is seen nowhere in today's Australian media - print and online. I am surprised!

What kind of politics is this?

Is Australia is punching above its weight? ..delebarately ignoring Indian FM, who came here in the wake of alleged racial attacks on Indian students? It was Krishna who acted decisively in those events - directing his ambassador to convene a press meet in Vic. I think, Aus is giving back to him. But this is bad politics.. arrogant as always Aus is portrayed internationally.. Aus is confirming its stereotypical status by being so arrogant.. no much difference between Aus and China in this regard, I think (remembering the Hu case).

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Wow.. Swayamvaram.. in 21st Century!

Wow.. Swayamvaram.. great! That also by Rakhi Sawant! It's good. Let women decide. I only wish and pray that this marriage becomes a successful one rather than a publicity/entertainment stunt!