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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Australia has spoken!
Finally, Australia has spoken... They proved that they've got a heart! good.
Howard looses the general election 2007.. He may even lose his seat.
Australia has spoken!
Finally, Australia has spoken... They proved that they've got a heart! good.
Howard looses the general election 2007.. He may even lose his seat.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Last Question to Mr Howard - Letter to the Editor (The Age)
Mr Howard says that he would not take action against Ms Chijoff even if her husband was involved in the bogus Islamic ALP pamphlet for 'her husband may have done a foolish thing, that should not automatically be visited upon her'. Good moral principle, huh (if Ms Chijoff is clean!!)!
What was your moral stand when you proudly announced the detention of Dr Mohamed Haneef only because he was the cousin of someone involved in a criminal act abroad? Morality of convenience, huh? Australia may deserve a leader not a hypocrite (but it's up to them!).
What was your moral stand when you proudly announced the detention of Dr Mohamed Haneef only because he was the cousin of someone involved in a criminal act abroad? Morality of convenience, huh? Australia may deserve a leader not a hypocrite (but it's up to them!).
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Australia Decides 2007
The Australian Federal Elections are due next Saturday. I am not an astrologer to predict the winner!
Kevin Rudd's Labor has been consistently leading the opinion polls (as they did in all previous elections they lost) against Howard's Liberals. I just make an analysis of the outcome, whether it is Labor or Liberal.
Kevin seems to have a plan. He identifies the importance of education in Australia to compete with India and China. I think that's a good move. The present economic boom in Australia is supported by the mining boom alone. That will be there. But equipping young Australian with necessary skills will give them a cutting edge, no doubt. His policies on climate change and Iraq seems to be more ethical. Kevin is good for Australia.
On the other hand Howard is stuck up with his Work choices, which will give more rights to bosses for "Hire and Fire". The common people will still enjoy an apparent economic prosperity out of the economic boom sustained by 'mining or resource' industry. (The logic is simple: allow big bosses to exploit the resources - India and China will buy it. Get peanuts out of the bosses in the form of minimal taxes and share it with 20 million - not a big deal). But he will sell uranium to India! He will still support skilled migrants to support the bosses. He wont quit from Iraq and keep Australia a target of extremists well ahead of countries like India, which suffered very badly from extremism in the past. He may be good for countries like India.
PS: However the 'climate clever' tactics of Howard will not have a fare run in international arena, I guess. It's not 16th century to fool India and China to take responsibility of mess created by 'worst emitters' in the world. They are in command too.
Kevin Rudd's Labor has been consistently leading the opinion polls (as they did in all previous elections they lost) against Howard's Liberals. I just make an analysis of the outcome, whether it is Labor or Liberal.
Kevin seems to have a plan. He identifies the importance of education in Australia to compete with India and China. I think that's a good move. The present economic boom in Australia is supported by the mining boom alone. That will be there. But equipping young Australian with necessary skills will give them a cutting edge, no doubt. His policies on climate change and Iraq seems to be more ethical. Kevin is good for Australia.
On the other hand Howard is stuck up with his Work choices, which will give more rights to bosses for "Hire and Fire". The common people will still enjoy an apparent economic prosperity out of the economic boom sustained by 'mining or resource' industry. (The logic is simple: allow big bosses to exploit the resources - India and China will buy it. Get peanuts out of the bosses in the form of minimal taxes and share it with 20 million - not a big deal). But he will sell uranium to India! He will still support skilled migrants to support the bosses. He wont quit from Iraq and keep Australia a target of extremists well ahead of countries like India, which suffered very badly from extremism in the past. He may be good for countries like India.
PS: However the 'climate clever' tactics of Howard will not have a fare run in international arena, I guess. It's not 16th century to fool India and China to take responsibility of mess created by 'worst emitters' in the world. They are in command too.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Racism Card of Ponting - Letter send to the Editor - MX
Ponting accuses India of racism, wow! (MX 18th Oct). Let's dig out. As we all know, racism is discriminating against, or vilifying, a person because of his/her race. The question here to ask, "was the crowd making monkey noises being racist, or was that just harmless fun? (I am talking about the the first one at Vadhora, which spurred the whole debate).
Ponting says that the monkey's color is dark and so it is aimed at dark-skinned Symonds. What Ponting thinks of the color of the "so called" abusers. Symonds was the only person in the entire Australian team whom the spectators could easily identify with. Moreover, almost all of the West Indian players have always commanded respect from millions of Indian cricket fans for their great cricketing skills and decent behavior. Then what went wrong? As Indian officials said the Indian fans might have targeted Symonds just because of his heated exchanges with Indian bowlers Harbhajan Singh and Shantakumaran Sreesanth. It has got nothing to do with his race.
Cricket was a gentlemen's game until "some teams" made racial slurs and sledging an art and tactics in the field to intimidate their opponents to win few games. So, Ponting, we also hope that that does not happen again in any another cricket match, because it leaves bad taste to everybody's mouth. Let's play decent, good cricket, free of sledging in the field, and that will show the crowds an example. Good luck.
Ponting says that the monkey's color is dark and so it is aimed at dark-skinned Symonds. What Ponting thinks of the color of the "so called" abusers. Symonds was the only person in the entire Australian team whom the spectators could easily identify with. Moreover, almost all of the West Indian players have always commanded respect from millions of Indian cricket fans for their great cricketing skills and decent behavior. Then what went wrong? As Indian officials said the Indian fans might have targeted Symonds just because of his heated exchanges with Indian bowlers Harbhajan Singh and Shantakumaran Sreesanth. It has got nothing to do with his race.
Cricket was a gentlemen's game until "some teams" made racial slurs and sledging an art and tactics in the field to intimidate their opponents to win few games. So, Ponting, we also hope that that does not happen again in any another cricket match, because it leaves bad taste to everybody's mouth. Let's play decent, good cricket, free of sledging in the field, and that will show the crowds an example. Good luck.
Friday, September 21, 2007
US Sub-prime Mortgage Crunch!
We were hearing a lot about this. The sub-prime credit crunch in US causes recession in US economy (they say that its a 'global' recession).
I was just after it... just to know what really is it.
few reflections: I got the definition for sub-prime credit from Wiki. It goes like this:
Sub-prime lending, also called B-paper, near-prime, or second chance lending, is the practice of making loans to borrowers who do not qualify for the best market interest rates because of their deficient credit history.
Which means they were lending money to people who were not supposed to get it.
What does that mean? Banks had to lend money to keep the business moving. Thay had already squeezed the elite class (those had money). So they started to sell it to sub-prime class.
Now they are telling that those loans were too risky and not being paid back. In the discussion forum in BBC, a mortgage lender was saying that most of the sub-prime clients were fake! (like, show some building just to get the loan and abandon it and do not pay for it)
So now all the blame goes to the 'sub-prime' clients! The so-called poor in the society. They create the crisis! They are the thief!
It the irony. Every were the poor and weak suffer and accused for all the trouble.
BIG QUESTION is, is that those poor sub-prime clients the real culprits?
I don't think so. The answers would lie between the lines rather than on the line: sub-prime credit crunch.
What I think is this: the US economy was experiencing a kind of vacuum because of their vast spendings - the very principle of consumerism. They spend spend and spend. But the spending was backed by CREDIT rather than what they actually had. (The life and work of most of the Americans are already pledged to these mortgage/credit banks for years to come, as we all know). Further the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan also must have squeezed US reserves.
What US govt could do was just print print and print dollars. But in order to support that (support the value of money) they wanted more and more economic activity (demand for dollar. without demand no value! basic demand and supply theory). The govt along with the architects of war and US had carefully lured the 'sub-prime' clients to catch this bait. The so called poor, they caught the bait, most probably for inflated value for a piece of land or housing on a high interest rate.
But this cannot go on for ever. Now all on a sudden the market forces (which was much anticipated) realizes that the value of their assets are overestimated and to be 'adjusted'. US dollar weakens, the value of their assets gone, but the credit and the high interest rate remain the same!
Now, either the 'sub-prime' clients have to work their ass out to repay the loans or be branded as 'thiefs'.
I think, its all a new form of slavery!
I was just after it... just to know what really is it.
few reflections: I got the definition for sub-prime credit from Wiki. It goes like this:
Sub-prime lending, also called B-paper, near-prime, or second chance lending, is the practice of making loans to borrowers who do not qualify for the best market interest rates because of their deficient credit history.
Which means they were lending money to people who were not supposed to get it.
What does that mean? Banks had to lend money to keep the business moving. Thay had already squeezed the elite class (those had money). So they started to sell it to sub-prime class.
Now they are telling that those loans were too risky and not being paid back. In the discussion forum in BBC, a mortgage lender was saying that most of the sub-prime clients were fake! (like, show some building just to get the loan and abandon it and do not pay for it)
So now all the blame goes to the 'sub-prime' clients! The so-called poor in the society. They create the crisis! They are the thief!
It the irony. Every were the poor and weak suffer and accused for all the trouble.
BIG QUESTION is, is that those poor sub-prime clients the real culprits?
I don't think so. The answers would lie between the lines rather than on the line: sub-prime credit crunch.
What I think is this: the US economy was experiencing a kind of vacuum because of their vast spendings - the very principle of consumerism. They spend spend and spend. But the spending was backed by CREDIT rather than what they actually had. (The life and work of most of the Americans are already pledged to these mortgage/credit banks for years to come, as we all know). Further the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan also must have squeezed US reserves.
What US govt could do was just print print and print dollars. But in order to support that (support the value of money) they wanted more and more economic activity (demand for dollar. without demand no value! basic demand and supply theory). The govt along with the architects of war and US had carefully lured the 'sub-prime' clients to catch this bait. The so called poor, they caught the bait, most probably for inflated value for a piece of land or housing on a high interest rate.
But this cannot go on for ever. Now all on a sudden the market forces (which was much anticipated) realizes that the value of their assets are overestimated and to be 'adjusted'. US dollar weakens, the value of their assets gone, but the credit and the high interest rate remain the same!
Now, either the 'sub-prime' clients have to work their ass out to repay the loans or be branded as 'thiefs'.
I think, its all a new form of slavery!
economic slowdown,
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Dancing with the Chinese!

The other day I had beautiful trip with Lili and Gourav. We had some good moments of sharing and dance!
Dancing with the CHINESE!
I think its high time to dance with the Chinese. Both India and Chinese are great civilizations and geographical neighbours. They both are poised to become the first and the third largest economies in the world within the next 25 years.
There might have some misunderstandings in the past - some border issues! But it is not unresolvable. Both India and China should have the maturity and wisdom to solve it amicably in the wider interests of both countries.
After all, what's the point in having mistrust between two world players of the upcoming world when they have to live very next to each other?
As somebody said, "the best way to eliminate your enemy is to make him/her your friend!"
Lily (she is actually "Yao") agreed with us completely. She is a lovely gal (all the Chinese guys I met here are beautiful... I don't understand why WE didn't understand them early) . If the yellow and the brown are united, there's more chances of hope and prosperity in the world (at least in 'their part of the world'.. hi hi).
I've started to learn Chinese.
Zai Chian (bye bye)
Friday, August 17, 2007
Blue Print of Success (in the words of Jesus!)
Carefully read these words of Jesus:
He said to them: “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation. The one who believes and baptized will be saved; but the one who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: by using my name they will cast our demons; they will speak new languages; they will pick up snakes in their hands and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick; and they will recover.
(Mark 16: 15-18)
This passage is interpreted in many ways, especially, in relation to the need of evangelization and with respect to the mode of evangelization. If we can consider Jesus as a triumphant victor at the scene of ascension, we can also interpret this passage in relation to his personal success. If we are willing to see it in the new light of positive thinking, we will be able to find the secrets of Jesus’ personal success through this important commission. Jesus’ words can be understood and interpreted like this:
This is the good news: You can be saved or can win in your personal life, if you are ready to dream and believe. The signs or characteristics of those winners will be the following:
They will have the positive attitude. They will cast out the demons, that is, they will cast away all negative attitudes. They will start to speak a new language of positive thinking.
They will have the positive vision. They will pick up risks and challenges in their lives, which are as dangerous as snakes in appearance. Even if they fail for a few times, they will successfully come out of it, for none of the dangerous drinks can hurt them.
They will choose the positive actions that they will lay their hands on the sick so that the fruits of their success shall go into the hands of the poor and the needy in the society. It is done through selfless service and charity.
This is the simple plan of Jesus for those aspire for great successes in their lives.
Positive Attitude
Positive vision
Positive action
For all these three notions, there is one thing in common. They all are positive. This ‘positiveness’ is the fundamental orientation of Jesus. It is the positive approach of Jesus towards his life.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Church Apology
During a friendly chat, my beloved auxiliary bishop of Melbourne pointed out that the Church had made an official apology regarding the Cathedral event. The Church did apologize for the 'the language and remarks made by the priest'.
The text goes like this: Monsignor Tomlinson said “I apologise unreservedly for the language and remarks made by the priest. I have spoken to him and as you would imagine he is very distressed by what has taken place and deeply regrets the way in which he reacted to the behaviour of the youths.”
That is a good thing which I was not aware till date. It was in the official website of the Melbourne Archdiocese and dated 27th July. I wrote my article on 28th.
But this apology was not made public by any of the leading media groups. That's selective reporting!
However, there were no efforts from the part of Church to make clear its position by reiterating its position in the mainstream media.
I'm sorry for not reading the official response of the Church at its website. But the circumstances in which I wrote the letter remain the same - Church did not have the visibility in denouncing the remarks made by the Dean and the philosophy behind it in public.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
We - Gourav, Lili n me had a wonderful trip to Ballarat - the Gold capital of Victoria, yesterday. It was wonderful! We spend almost all day at the 'Sovereign Hills', where they have re-created and re-enacted the 18th cent. Ballarat, during the gold-rush.
The most beautiful experience was the time we spend with Maurine and Laurine - the gracious lady actors at the Hills. They were sooooo warm and hospitable. We enjoyed talking to them. Thank you ladies for making our trip memorable.
iNdIa - ChArgeS AhEAd

Here is an impressive edition of Time Magazine on India (note on all editions, except US ). It is a special report on India as it celebrates its 60th Independence Day (on August 15).
As an Indian, I feel proud of it - what is been said in the magazine. It is not that we need a compliment from a magazine to acknowledge what we are, rather it is because that they are able to see the history and spirit of India from 'corrected' point of view.
I wish the Australian media could reach there before yesterday!
Monday, July 30, 2007
The Video has been removed!
Shameful outburst

The Letter to the Editor send to The Age has been published in the daily today.
Here is the link:
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Priest Kickout (Letter to the Editor send to "The Age")
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I'm an Indian Catholic priest living in Melbourne. I watched the controversial video on the Dean of Melbourne's St Patrick's Cathedral on Youtube. The video puts me into shame. Of course, the Dean (St Patrick’s, Melbourne) had been provoked. I feel sorry for him. But that doesn't give him excuse or right for the way he responded. I've never been taught in Canon law/Moral theology of the Catholic Church that the color of eye or hair has got any relation with the character of a person. But when Rev Dean relates them together, even in the midst of provocation, it is condemnable. I hope that the Church in Melbourne will repair the damage and reinstate its credibility through reconciliatory measures.
The Youtube link
I'm an Indian Catholic priest living in Melbourne. I watched the controversial video on the Dean of Melbourne's St Patrick's Cathedral on Youtube. The video puts me into shame. Of course, the Dean (St Patrick’s, Melbourne) had been provoked. I feel sorry for him. But that doesn't give him excuse or right for the way he responded. I've never been taught in Canon law/Moral theology of the Catholic Church that the color of eye or hair has got any relation with the character of a person. But when Rev Dean relates them together, even in the midst of provocation, it is condemnable. I hope that the Church in Melbourne will repair the damage and reinstate its credibility through reconciliatory measures.
The Youtube link
The end of Haneef Debacle

Finally Haneef was cleared, "allowed to" go back to India, after 3 weeks of political and legal drama.
What's the balance sheet?
- A smiling Haneef; good for him, his loving wife and family. He'll surely become an icon of civil liberties.
- A victory of the humanitarian activists in Australia. Haneef's case aroused unprecedented support from the moderate Australians. It was evident from the "letter to the editors".
- Turned out to be an evident example of the opportunistic attitudes of Australian politicians (as elsewhere!), racial discrimination and arrogance.
- Diplomatic as well as political success for Manmohan Singh Govt of India. 1) Got back the goodwill of moderate Muslims of India on two accounts - the efforts of Indian Govt to support Haneef and a reminder of how well the moderate Muslims are treated in India in comparison to other parts of the world! 1) Diplomatic success of India over Australia.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Never Give Up!
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Napoleon lost one third of battles he fought. Thomas Alva Edison failed ten thousand times before he found out an element, which produced light from the electricity. Michael Jordan failed to get into the university Basketball team, when he was college student.
But all of them are considered to be great achievers.
Napoleon lost one third of battles he fought. Thomas Alva Edison failed ten thousand times before he found out an element, which produced light from the electricity. Michael Jordan failed to get into the university Basketball team, when he was college student.
But all of them are considered to be great achievers.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
40 years with Petrol... After that?
Here is a small report from one of the July 07 editions of Time Magazine.
The report goes like this:
Every year BP (British Petroleum) produces a report about the status of world fossil fuel reserves. This year's report suggest that we (Earth!) have more petroleum reserves than we have thought in the past. extensive graphs are shown to corroborate the facts. Quite obviously, the largest reserves are in the middle east. U can see the skyscrapers in the picture (its inverted though). They represent the middle east petrol reserves.
Here is the tail piece. All these reserves will be enough to support the Earth's requests at the current rate for another 40 years.....
40 years...
so after 40 years?
no need to go after more reasons to know the interest of some PEOPLE in the middle east... the war, Iraq, civil war....
keep guessing... curious to know your reflections too...
Success Can be Repeated
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Find out the basic principles of success and start applying them in our lives; we can hit at success. The only thing: we should find out those winning principles and should be able to consciously apply them in our lives.
To get the basic principles of success we have to look at the lives of those successful persons, whose victories still influence the human kind and surpass the ages. ‘Success leaves clues, that people who produce outstanding results do specific things to create those results.’ We can win in their way, once we could copy them into our lives. If we can understand their principles and can apply them in our personal lives, we can repeat their successes in a phenomenal way. “The movers and shakers of the world are of often professional modelers, people who have mastered the art of learning everything they can by following other people’s experience rather than their own.”
The conclusion: Success can be repeated.
Find out the basic principles of success and start applying them in our lives; we can hit at success. The only thing: we should find out those winning principles and should be able to consciously apply them in our lives.
To get the basic principles of success we have to look at the lives of those successful persons, whose victories still influence the human kind and surpass the ages. ‘Success leaves clues, that people who produce outstanding results do specific things to create those results.’ We can win in their way, once we could copy them into our lives. If we can understand their principles and can apply them in our personal lives, we can repeat their successes in a phenomenal way. “The movers and shakers of the world are of often professional modelers, people who have mastered the art of learning everything they can by following other people’s experience rather than their own.”
The conclusion: Success can be repeated.
Haneef and the rift between The Age and The Herald Sun

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Haneef's case is becoming more n more interesting (?).
Herald Sun (It is published by The Herald and Weekly Times Ltd (HWT), a subsidiary of News Limited and owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. ) today reported that AFP has got evidences to prove that Haneef was plotting a terror attack on Australian targets. They quoted that the news were reported by some anonymous sources!
The Age (The Fairfax group) was blank about that news.
That means, The Age didn't get it! Later by the noon, I read in my mobile news from Fairfax that they acknowledge the fax that such a news has been reported by News Corporation.
Now the suspicion grows... the Haneef's lawyer denounces the allegations and ask AFP to respond to the new allegations. In an unprecedented move AFP publishes a statement by the evening saying that those allegations are baseless!
What happened to Herald Sun - the highest circulating newspaper in Australia?
Answer is simple.
If my observation is correct, Herald Sun is for Howard and The Age is for the Labor (at least for this election).
I shared it with my community few months back, when the opinion polls about the next Federal elections started to appear in the newspapers. It was always in favor of Labor, in both the papers. But the first attempt to show that Howard slicing the lead of Labor was presented by Herald Sun soon after the labor allegations about Mrs Rudd broke out, before couple of months. The enthusiasm of Herald Sun was so evident that it lead to the suspect the motives of Herald Sun. (later on, after few weeks, the suggested comeback of Howard was again reversed by The Age survey!)
Now, its clear. Howard has some kind of understandings with Murdock.
Murdock was trying to save Howard from the fallout of this case by creating a new allegation from an anonymous source. But it's too far to be expected from a responsible newspaper. After all, Herald Sun is a tabloid!
Herald Sun,
The Age
Friday, July 20, 2007
My WYD Dream!
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I've submitted a proposal for a WYD Virtual Community in Internet to Bishop Anthony Fisher, the Chair of WYD 08 Sydney, last Monday 16th July on the feast of Mount Carmel. I haven't received any response yet. It's dead, I presume. But the dream is very powerful and much needed for the Church, I believe. But many a time, Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways. I believe that the HS works also through Church Authorities. So, I leave it for the time being... Let Him decide. But here is my one page proposal:
• An Internet virtual community like (of Google) or for WYD.
• Half a million plus young adults who register for WYD will constitute the primary members of the proposed virtual community.
• The members can login to the community from WYD website
• The community can be opened to the public and expects exponential growth in membership by capitalizing on the primary members’ commitment and the millions of hits received by WYD website.
• Will be the first Catholic virtual community in the Net and Church will control its content.
• Global database for priestly/religious vocations. The best of Catholic young adults who have the zeal to participate in WYD is given a platform to come together to form a community. Since Church controls the content of the community, different dioceses and religious groups can advertise, expose their spirituality and track down young adults who have potential priestly/religious vocation.
• The fun way of preparation for WYD. The members of the virtual community can get to know each other, communicate with each other, share their views, organize travel and accommodation and plan a lot of surprises (Eg: meet someone who became a friend through the virtual community, during WYD) before the actual event.
• WYD committee can make use of the community for orientation/faith formation of WYD participants through its discussion forums, internal community/group formation etc.
• Will be the most effective follow up program of WYD. This community will carry the spirit and its members to the following WYDs.
• Will develop the required software, deal with all networking issues and will launch the community in the WYD website within 90 days of the commencement of the project.
• A group of 5 software engineering graduates who have successfully completed a similar industry project is ready and willing to take part in this project under my guidance.
Fr Jaison Paul Mulerikkal CMI
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Priory
Middle Park, VIC 3206
0433 893593 (mob)
I've submitted a proposal for a WYD Virtual Community in Internet to Bishop Anthony Fisher, the Chair of WYD 08 Sydney, last Monday 16th July on the feast of Mount Carmel. I haven't received any response yet. It's dead, I presume. But the dream is very powerful and much needed for the Church, I believe. But many a time, Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways. I believe that the HS works also through Church Authorities. So, I leave it for the time being... Let Him decide. But here is my one page proposal:
Project Proposal
WYD Internet Virtual Community
WYD Internet Virtual Community
• An Internet virtual community like (of Google) or for WYD.
• Half a million plus young adults who register for WYD will constitute the primary members of the proposed virtual community.
• The members can login to the community from WYD website
• The community can be opened to the public and expects exponential growth in membership by capitalizing on the primary members’ commitment and the millions of hits received by WYD website.
• Will be the first Catholic virtual community in the Net and Church will control its content.
• Global database for priestly/religious vocations. The best of Catholic young adults who have the zeal to participate in WYD is given a platform to come together to form a community. Since Church controls the content of the community, different dioceses and religious groups can advertise, expose their spirituality and track down young adults who have potential priestly/religious vocation.
• The fun way of preparation for WYD. The members of the virtual community can get to know each other, communicate with each other, share their views, organize travel and accommodation and plan a lot of surprises (Eg: meet someone who became a friend through the virtual community, during WYD) before the actual event.
• WYD committee can make use of the community for orientation/faith formation of WYD participants through its discussion forums, internal community/group formation etc.
• Will be the most effective follow up program of WYD. This community will carry the spirit and its members to the following WYDs.
• Will develop the required software, deal with all networking issues and will launch the community in the WYD website within 90 days of the commencement of the project.
• A group of 5 software engineering graduates who have successfully completed a similar industry project is ready and willing to take part in this project under my guidance.
Fr Jaison Paul Mulerikkal CMI
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Priory
Middle Park, VIC 3206
0433 893593 (mob)
world youth day,
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Haneef and the "Clash of Civilizations"

I feel pity about Haneef, who is held in Australian detention centre on charges of 'recklessly' giving his SIM to his cousin who was involved in terrorist activities in UK (I dont know how reckless am I in giving my SIM to my mum during my last visit to India on March! AFP may charge me on those grounds at any time... I'm frightened! (ha ha ha..I'm kidding)).
He is not a terrorist, my mind says. He was one of those moderate Muslims who denounced terrorism and longed to live a peaceful life as a Muslim. Since the family values in Indian culture is still preserved, he might have just trusted his cousin and given his SIM to his cousin (It may be bit hard for an average Australian to understand this logic, for there is a great erotion of family values in this culture. To put it bluntly, the marriage unsuccessful rate in Australia is more than 50%).
However, Haneef is been punished for the 'sins of his cousins'!
This is absurd and not at all acceptable. As everybody knows, there are more political rather than legal/moral resaons behind his detention (even after a successful bail application). Howard is slipping heavily in the poll ratings for the imminent Federal elections and somehow wants to turn votes to him. As in elsewhere (in India too) he is trying to terrorise people in the pretext of terrorism!
The funny thing: the opposition also supports this. So, its complete! Basically it cements one of my earlier convictions. The people of the West reserve a dangerous silence, when it comes to the matters that will somehow touches their interests/ego/conforts/convenience. This silence was evident during the decision to invade Iraq and Afghanistan from the part of the public. They simply shut their eyes! No question of morals/values! Then there will be moral rhetoric if things do not go as they wish.
One thing I want to point out. These decisions made by the politicians/governments of the West (Aus is not West, but shares Western values) has got nothing to do with Christianity. They are in no way compatible with Gospel values. Moreover, these States, as they claim, are SECULAR (in West, it means, no affinity to any religion).
It's not "Clash of Civilizations", if civilization of West means 'Christianity'. These actions of the politicians and States have got NO relation to Christianity.
I feel that Church hierarchy in this country should come forward to denounce these actions of Govt as religions are asked to denounce any terrorist activities in the name of religion.
Haneef, I hope you are innocent. Hope you will come out clean after all these trials (I know it's going to take years, I am sorry). You are only a powerless pawn in the hands of some powerful people in this world, who wants it more and more at any cost.
Never ever think that this is Christian culture! It's only the present day Western culture. Christianity has nothing to do with it - its not the "clash of civilizatons."
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Howard wants to steal Aboriginals (once again!)

Federal elections at the doorstep and the ruling Liberal party, headed by Mr John Howard is trailing behind Labor in opinion polls, there's something quite interesting (ugly!?) happening in Australian politics.
The controversial Work Place Laws and government apathy to Global Warming/Environmental issues are holding Howard back. Quite interestingly, Australian public is silent about their continuing involvement in Iraq! (it seems that they are concerned about what affect their lifestyle rather than what their govt does to avail those resources (oil in this case)).
Now Howard has opened a new frontier for election battle - the aborigines! first of all this is not at all a new frontier. The occupation of Australia (?, I've met an aboriginal man at the soup kitchen run by Mother Theresa sisters @ Melbourne. He wont agree that its Australia. He said its "Red Sand Land" in the native language) is the story of the suppression of aboriginal people. It was the basic tactics used by the foreign occupants from the very beginning of 'Australia'. It is said that some tribes in Tasmania were wiped out literally (just shot the whole tribe down). To make it more clear, Australia boast of regaining the aboriginal population to the level at the time of first occupants, this year!
Howard is just back to their original card.
The issue will appear very legitimate and sincere - child abuse in aboriginal communities. All aboriginal communities are ugly. So, send troops. Compulsory medical check up for children. Moreover, regulate their rights over their land and govt incentives unless until they rectify their problem.
But the ugly tactics behind the proposal is explained as follows (its from discussion board)
The Howard Aboriginal land grab conspiracy
- First you pretend to show concern for people that you have never given a toss about before.
- You can then bring in new laws to control welfare payments using the Aborigines as a test case which will spread to the general populus later on after the election.
- Then you bring in the cavalary to pretend to clean up the problem.
Then you convince the general public that these people would be better off resettled amongst the general populus, just like any other refugee etc - So you move them from their land and then reclaim the land at a bargain basement price by paying off the Aboriginal Elders and offering them a deal they can't refuse. You then allocate mining rights to it, but you don't do this until after the election
- Before the election you just appeal to the emotions of the voters and try and score some browny points for being sympathetic to the Aborigine and absued childrens cause. After the election you go in for the kill because the voter sentiment no longer matters, and the usual core and non-core promises start flying around again.
- Task accomplished. Game set and match to Howard !!! More money for the mining industry and more trailor trash jobs for the rest of us. As well the Government can start to nobble welfare payments for anyone when they see fit. As for the aborigines it's out of sight out of mind !!!
courtesy (click)
The logic is very simple. Even if these evil intentions are exposed, the majority of general public will silently support it, because, it is a plan to steal again from the aboriginals and each and every one will get a share of it (as a job surplus). The business people are happy, coz they are the big winners - mining rights! Church wont rebel - its child abuse!
But its one of the greatest tragedies in the modern world - the plight of Aboriginals in Australia - a national shame.
God save the Aboriginals!
I'm curiously watching - whether Australian public will show slightest respect and honestly in this issue or will give their silent submission as in the case of Iraq!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Jesus the Man - the deception in the very 33rd page

I am reading 'Jesus the Man'- a 'supposed to be controversial' book by Barbara Thiering - an Australian author. I read in '', the reviews praising it as an authentic work with the backing of deep research which will topple down our views about Jesus and Christianity. The back cover of the book reads as follows:
"Jesus was the leader of a radical faction of Essene priests. He was not of virgin birth. He did not die on the Cross. He married Mary Magdalene, fathered a family, and later divorced. He died sometime after AD 64."
One of the critics claims that "Barbara Thiering is a supreme academic and goes to great lengths to justify her theories with much referencing, to the point where I have to admit that I probably need to re-read this immediately and I do confess to only really reading the narrative chapters at the start - which is very readable."
So, I opened the book with great expectations. It is really intriguing. The theory she proposed to explain the Qumran (and the Gospel) texts is really gripping - something very similar to Vinci Code. She introduces peshar technique - a kind of technique to unlock the 'submerged mysteries' beneath the Qumran and Gospel texts. I would say, it is original. I have never heard or someone used before.
I kept on reading expecting more. Then I came to page 33. I was completely lost... disappointed. She was giving her first example to explain pesher technique. The example she selected was the Wedding at Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine (according to Gospels!)
I put down the words of Thiering account of the miracle of Cana (God I have to type all of it.. give me patience!).
"According to a story in John's gospel, Jesus was at a wedding...When, however, a drink was drawn from them and taken to the steward of the feast, it had miraculously turned into wine. The steward's reaction was strange: he did not comment on the miracle at all, but merely complained that Jesus had saved the good wine until last, whereas it was more usual to serve the good wine first and the poor wine later."
I stopped reading there - the text in italics (the text is Thiering's but i've given italics to highlight it) - what has she done?
Because, I never ever heard that the steward "complained that Jesus had saved the good wine. " According to my memory, the gospel clearly stated that the steward didn't know about the source of the 'new wine'. Did my memory fail. I reached home and searched all available versions of Bible. I was happy that my memory still works perfect!
She was quoting 'a story in John's gospel'. In the very 33th page itself, how could she go wrong? Was she just going wrong - a human error. NO WAY. without that small twist, she could not have justified her pesher theory in that instant. That was the pivot.
But it was too much... in the very 33th page manipulating the Gospel text to prove 'a theory'. I didn't expect that. If this is the case of the very first example, what would be the case of the rest of her work... the authenticity! May be her critic would have been right "Barbara Thiering is a supreme academic and goes to great lengths to justify her theories with much referencing..." except the comments put in italics!
Anyway, I will continue to read the book, to hear her stories and theories!
Jesus the Man - the deception in the very 33rd page

I am reading 'Jesus the Man'- a 'supposed to be controversial' book by Barbara Thiering - an Australian author. I read in '', the reviews praising it as an authentic work with the backing of deep research which will topple down our views about Jesus and Christianity. The back cover of the book reads as follows:
"Jesus was the leader of a radical faction of Essene priests. He was not of virgin birth. He did not die on the Cross. He married Mary Magdalene, fathered a family, and later divorced. He died sometime after AD 64."
One of the critics claims that "Barbara Thiering is a supreme academic and goes to great lengths to justify her theories with much referencing, to the point where I have to admit that I probably need to re-read this immediately and I do confess to only really reading the narrative chapters at the start - which is very readable."
So, I opened the book with great expectations. It is really intriguing. The theory she proposed to explain the Qumran (and the Gospel) texts is really gripping - something very similar to Vinci Code. She introduces peshar technique - a kind of technique to unlock the 'submerged mysteries' beneath the Qumran and Gospel texts. I would say, it is original. I have never heard or someone used before.
I kept on reading expecting more. Then I came to page 33. I was completely lost... disappointed. She was giving her first example to explain pesher technique. The example she selected was the Wedding at Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine (according to Gospels!)
I put down the words of Thiering account of the miracle of Cana (God I have to type all of it.. give me patience!).
"According to a story in John's gospel, Jesus was at a wedding...When, however, a drink was drawn from them and taken to the steward of the feast, it had miraculously turned into wine. The steward's reaction was strange: he did not comment on the miracle at all, but merely complained that Jesus had saved the good wine until last, whereas it was more usual to serve the good wine first and the poor wine later."
I stopped reading there - the text in italics (the text is Thiering's but i've given italics to highlight it) - what has she done?
Because, I never ever heard that the steward "complained that Jesus had saved the good wine. " According to my memory, the gospel clearly stated that the steward didn't know about the source of the 'new wine'. Did my memory fail. I reached home and searched all available versions of Bible. I was happy that my memory still works perfect!
She was quoting 'a story in John's gospel'. In the very 33th page itself, how could she go wrong? Was she just going wrong - a human error. NO WAY. without that small twist, she could not have justified her pesher theory in that instant. That was the pivot.
But it was too much... in the very 33th page manipulating the Gospel text to prove 'a theory'. I didn't expect that. If this is the case of the very first example, what would be the case of the rest of her work... the authenticity! May be her critic would have been right "Barbara Thiering is a supreme academic and goes to great lengths to justify her theories with much referencing..." except the comments put in italics!
Anyway, I will continue to read the book, to hear her stories and theories!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Here is an excerpt from our discussions in DaVinci Code - Helpdesk community on Orkut.
You can go to the whole lot of discussions about DVC, Christianity and more in this community, just follow the link. You may need an Orkut ID though!
basically there r 2 issues in our discussion, i guess - the conversion and the role of Catholic Church.
As Ian pointed out, conversion is not simply changing religion. basically, its about change of heart. As Ritin puts it, it should be stimulated by the good works of Christians, themselves.
but there are some issues - if we start to do good works - people say its wrong motivated. i know, after the earth quakes in north India (specifically Gujarat) a team of brothers from our seminary with a train full of supplies (we collected it from the public in Bangalore) were not even allowed to go to those villages. people were still dying and starving. look, we were seminarians with no intention to change their religion. (finally they did help them heroically).
so, its easy to blame church, Christianity etc... but the conversion issue, esp in India - is far more complicated. its not simply about church. people are not frightened about xians, for they convert them. rather they are frightened by the religious extremists with political, economic and cast ambitions 'to hate Christians' or 'risk consequences'. it's basically a political agenda and hate campaign. it was there all through out the history. in the first 3 centuries xians were treated like animals and killed like pigs! (ritin wont like to explain those killings of xians by state, wont u). but the same state accepted xianity as their state religion after that..ha ha.. that's politics, leave it.
then the church's role.
first point, the St Thomas xians in Kerala were catholic from the very beginning. any church initiated by an apostle is considered to be catholic. but the 16th century colonial powers failed to see it.. that's also true. they did a great harm to St Thomas xians. that's why we are divided now.
Ian's observation is valuable - the church may be a communion of saints as well as sinners , but theologically its infallible. that's all.
it does not mean that whatever church does will be right. as a human entity, it may go wrong in its decisions and practice. but what its tells will be infallible - ie, without error - esp regarding the matters of faith and morals.
its a special charism, to make sure that what is good and what is wrong in this very confusing world. church exercise this with utmost care. it does not pass judgments on the realms out side its scope. it has no say in matters of science and mathematics, but of course, in its applications to human life.
i am happy that Ritin came up with the very idea that forcible conversion - in its rude meaning is not a possibility these days.. of course, we, even catholics may have to refine their means of evangelization. but a fact remains - much of the harm is done by the aggressive and unacceptable means adopted by the protestant and evangelical churches (its a great threat to catholic church in India too... why do they aggressively baptize catholics to their churches.. did Jesus tell that!).
I would strongly suggest those so called missionaries - who tries to create communal rifts in our country to stop their way of 'instant conversions'. whoever they may be, they are doing much harm to Christ and Christianity.
but at the same time, every Christian has a right and obligation to live their Christian life in its fullness and to invite others to share its beauty.
davinci code,
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Success - "what does it mean to me!"
We cannot define success categorically in unequivocal terms. This is because its implications are very wide and vivid. We can only have observations, reflections and opinions about success i.e., how people viewed success, analyze it and gave an expression to their understanding. But attentively going through these observations we will be able to create an awareness about ‘what does it mean to me’ and how to create an understanding about success in our minds.
Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal.
Earl Nightingale
To me success is an ongoing process of striving to become more. The road to success is always under construction. It is a progressive course, not an end to be reached.
Anthony Robbins
Success may not be so much a destination as a journey, not merely static but dynamic and ongoing. To an extent success (or failure) is within us. It’s what we do with what happen to us.
Wesley Harris
Success is a self-discipline. It can be accessed, absorbed and acted upon. Nigel Linacre
A successful person is any person who has courage and high purpose. He is the person who puts ideas and dreams to work. He is the person who refuses to believe that there is anything but success ahead and has systematically released himself from the anchors that bind him to mediocrity. He is the person who refuses to channel himself as a conformist and reaches out for his goals one by one.
J.C. Cerney
The sin of our 'Fathers'!
Yesterday we were asked to submit a new doc - working with children check certificate. All who work with children are to submit this according to the new legislation of Victoria Govt. However, it starts with priests and religious! We have to submit it before this Friday, but others - child care workers, medical persons, etc - will get another few months.
When this news was announced in the community, there was grim silence. It somehow implied 'the sins of our Fathers".
It's a good thing that we are concerned about children. We r all really concerned abt them. But I see the things take a different shape with all these kinds of 'reactions' from the State. The implication is very clear: "the state/society does not trust church/clergy anymore regarding children".
The result: The clergy and the church are getting lesser and lesser interested in child formation or in helping family (values). Here in Australia, there are no more Sunday schools or catechism classes. Some catholic schools may offer value education and religions classes, thats all. Only less than 10 percent are practicing Christians. No more child or youth associations in the parishes. Which means the next generations is coming up with almost zero religious formation and awareness.
How do their values take shape? The state provides them in the schools! (more than 50% of marriages are broken and most of the children live with single parents! We cannot expect those children to get any 'value' from their families). The state cares! what will be the 'state care'? As far as I know its 'market values'. The values driven by the market - consumerism, individualism, distorted nationalism and so on..
The Church is virtually cut off from the next generation, by all sorts of legislations (and of market forces). It seems that somebody wants it to be like that to serve their personal interests.
any way, I have submitted my doc today with other 5 priests living with me. Let's wait and see, whats going to happen. God save the state!
The sin of our 'Fathers'!
Yesterday we were asked to submit a new doc - working with children check certificate. All who work with children are to submit this according to the new legislation of Victoria Govt. However, it starts with priests and religious! We have to submit it before this Friday, but others - child care workers, medical persons, etc - will get another few months.
When this news was announced in the community, there was grim silence. It somehow implied 'the sins of our Fathers".
It's a good thing that we are concerned about children. We r all really concerned abt them. But I see the things take a different shape with all these kinds of 'reactions' from the State. The implication is very clear: "the state/society does not trust church/clergy anymore regarding children".
The result: The clergy and the church are getting lesser and lesser interested in child formation or in helping family (values). Here in Australia, there are no more Sunday schools or catechism classes. Some catholic schools may offer value education and religions classes, thats all. Only less than 10 percent are practicing Christians. No more child or youth associations in the parishes. Which means the next generations is coming up with almost zero religious formation and awareness.
How do their values take shape? The state provides them in the schools! (more than 50% of marriages are broken and most of the children live with single parents! We cannot expect those children to get any 'value' from their families). The state cares! what will be the 'state care'? As far as I know its 'market values'. The values driven by the market - consumerism, individualism, distorted nationalism and so on..
The Church is virtually cut off from the next generation, by all sorts of legislations (and of market forces). It seems that somebody wants it to be like that to serve their personal interests.
any way, I have submitted my doc today with other 5 priests living with me. Let's wait and see, whats going to happen. God save the state!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Hi guys (n gals)
I've diversified my blogs... which means I've got couple of blogs under different headings. It's to make things easy for u. U can go the stuff u want/enjoy.
go to my new home in the cyberspace (just click)
I've diversified my blogs... which means I've got couple of blogs under different headings. It's to make things easy for u. U can go the stuff u want/enjoy.
go to my new home in the cyberspace (just click)
Let my country awake...
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action -
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
Gitanjali XXXV
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action -
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
Gitanjali XXXV
Do u wanna be successful?
Do you want to become a failure in your life?
Whenever, I asked this question either to students, youth or adults, their answer was unanimous. It was an emphatic ‘no’. People wanted to succeed in their life. They wanted to win.
Leading a successful life is the birthright of a person. Whoever comes to this world with a human body and soul has a right to win. Other wise God would not have allowed him/her to be born, for God is just. Every human being is capable of going beyond the daily grind and experiencing the bliss of heavenly support and motion.
Moreover, it is not only the right of a few; rather it is the indisputable right of all human beings. All are destined to become great achievers in their lives. This is the will of God and wish of God. The fact is this: there is possibility for each one to win, for God has created infinite ways of success. But the ways and modes of winning may vary from person to person. Winning an Olympic medal may be the success of an athlete, earning a few billions may be the success of a businessperson, having reputation and fame may be the success of a public person, helping the poor and the needy in an effective way may be the success of a social worker, leading a peaceful and effective marriage life will the success of a wife or a husband, scoring higher grades and marks will be the success of creative students or doing pastoral activities in an effective manner will be the success of a pastor. Whatever be the mode of winning, people are destined to lead a successful life in their own life situations.
Whenever, I asked this question either to students, youth or adults, their answer was unanimous. It was an emphatic ‘no’. People wanted to succeed in their life. They wanted to win.
Leading a successful life is the birthright of a person. Whoever comes to this world with a human body and soul has a right to win. Other wise God would not have allowed him/her to be born, for God is just. Every human being is capable of going beyond the daily grind and experiencing the bliss of heavenly support and motion.
Moreover, it is not only the right of a few; rather it is the indisputable right of all human beings. All are destined to become great achievers in their lives. This is the will of God and wish of God. The fact is this: there is possibility for each one to win, for God has created infinite ways of success. But the ways and modes of winning may vary from person to person. Winning an Olympic medal may be the success of an athlete, earning a few billions may be the success of a businessperson, having reputation and fame may be the success of a public person, helping the poor and the needy in an effective way may be the success of a social worker, leading a peaceful and effective marriage life will the success of a wife or a husband, scoring higher grades and marks will be the success of creative students or doing pastoral activities in an effective manner will be the success of a pastor. Whatever be the mode of winning, people are destined to lead a successful life in their own life situations.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Abstact of my Thesis!
here is the abstract of my Minor Thesis(very fresh.. not yet submitted!). bit technical, but will give an idea about what i'm doing.. have a look.. good luck..
Commercial Content Delivery Networks create their own network of servers around the globe to effectively deliver Web content to the end-users. The peering of Content Delivery Networks (CDN) would increase the efficiency of commercial CDNs. But still the high rental rates resulting from huge infrastructure cost make it inaccessible to medium and low profile clients . Academic models of peer-to-peer CDNs aim to reduce the financial cost of content distribution by forming volunteer group of servers around the globe. But their efficiency is at the mercy of the volunteer peers whose commitment is not ensured in their design. We propose a new architecture that will make use of the existing resources of common Internet users in terms of storage space, bandwidth and Internet connectivity to create a Distributed Content Delivery Network (DCDN). The profit pool generated by the infrastructure savings will be shared among the participating nodes (DCDN surrogates) which will function as an incentive for them to support DCDN. Since the system uses the limited computing resources of common Internet users, we also propose a suitable load balancing (LB) algorithm so that DCDN surrogates are not burdened with heavy load and requests are fairly assigned to them. Simulations have been carried out and the results show that the proposed architecture (with LB) can offer same or even better performance as that of commercial CDN.
Commercial Content Delivery Networks create their own network of servers around the globe to effectively deliver Web content to the end-users. The peering of Content Delivery Networks (CDN) would increase the efficiency of commercial CDNs. But still the high rental rates resulting from huge infrastructure cost make it inaccessible to medium and low profile clients . Academic models of peer-to-peer CDNs aim to reduce the financial cost of content distribution by forming volunteer group of servers around the globe. But their efficiency is at the mercy of the volunteer peers whose commitment is not ensured in their design. We propose a new architecture that will make use of the existing resources of common Internet users in terms of storage space, bandwidth and Internet connectivity to create a Distributed Content Delivery Network (DCDN). The profit pool generated by the infrastructure savings will be shared among the participating nodes (DCDN surrogates) which will function as an incentive for them to support DCDN. Since the system uses the limited computing resources of common Internet users, we also propose a suitable load balancing (LB) algorithm so that DCDN surrogates are not burdened with heavy load and requests are fairly assigned to them. Simulations have been carried out and the results show that the proposed architecture (with LB) can offer same or even better performance as that of commercial CDN.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Happy ending.. (lesson: never ever give up.. if its against Apple)
my fight with Apple seems to have a happy ending.. after one week of negotiations and stressful debates, they have conceded.. Apple have offered me to replace the machine.
in the last phase, apple offered me another 1 year extended warranty.. if anything happens during that period, they promised me to replace the old machine. i've agreed to it, provided, they give it in writing.. wow.. they declined.. nothing in writing. that's a catch.
i consulted Mr Clareance Kunnel. CEO, Holding Redlick Lawyers. he is very good malayalee (aka, Indian) catholic. from his office, we called Ms Susan, who dealt my case (some sort of manager in apple customer care). she was not there.. Clarence left a message in her answering machine.
my friends from RMIT have already notified apple that they are going to start a chain campaign in support of my case starting from the uni, if the appeal fails. (the apple store at uni boast of 20-30 sales per day!)
finally i got a phone call from Susan and she said that she is reviewing my case.. Apple decided to replace my machine.. she tranfered it to Mr Ben Gunashekaran, (should be a junior officer, who dealt my case in the very beginning.. bit arrogant fellow though.. may be apple want him to be so.. i dont judge). i got the following mail from him..
Dear Jaison,
This letter is to confirm that, per our discussion described in case number 78384411, Apple agrees to replace your MacBook, Serial Number:4H63073ZU9Ewith MacBook :MB062X/A to resolve the matters discussed.
MacBook 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - White
Part Number: MB062X/A
120GB Serial ATA @ 5400 rpm
Country Kit
Keyboard/Mac OS
Superdrive 8x (DVD+R DL/DVD+RW/CD-RW)
2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
1GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM - 2x512
Once Apple confirms the arrival of theÊMacBook, Serial Number:4H63073ZU9Ein its warehouse, Apple will, subject to the availability of the MacBook :MB062X/A, order and send to you at Computers Now, South Melbourne the MacBook :MB062X/A.
As previously communicated, the replacement product sent by Apple shall be a new product with a one-year limited warranty against hardware defects.
Important: Please respond to this mail with your confirmation that you agree to the process as described above, and I will forward your order for processing. I cannot forward your order until we receive your email in return.
Please reply to this mail for confirmation only.
It was a pleasure speaking with you. Feel free to contact me directly should you have any further questions or concerns regarding the replacement process.
Kind Regards,
Ben Gunasegaran
Customer Relations
P+61 02 9641 8286 F: +61 02 9261 1040
Apple Pty Ltd
PO Box A2629
Sydney South NSW 1235
in the last phase, apple offered me another 1 year extended warranty.. if anything happens during that period, they promised me to replace the old machine. i've agreed to it, provided, they give it in writing.. wow.. they declined.. nothing in writing. that's a catch.
i consulted Mr Clareance Kunnel. CEO, Holding Redlick Lawyers. he is very good malayalee (aka, Indian) catholic. from his office, we called Ms Susan, who dealt my case (some sort of manager in apple customer care). she was not there.. Clarence left a message in her answering machine.
my friends from RMIT have already notified apple that they are going to start a chain campaign in support of my case starting from the uni, if the appeal fails. (the apple store at uni boast of 20-30 sales per day!)
finally i got a phone call from Susan and she said that she is reviewing my case.. Apple decided to replace my machine.. she tranfered it to Mr Ben Gunashekaran, (should be a junior officer, who dealt my case in the very beginning.. bit arrogant fellow though.. may be apple want him to be so.. i dont judge). i got the following mail from him..
Dear Jaison,
This letter is to confirm that, per our discussion described in case number 78384411, Apple agrees to replace your MacBook, Serial Number:4H63073ZU9Ewith MacBook :MB062X/A to resolve the matters discussed.
MacBook 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - White
Part Number: MB062X/A
120GB Serial ATA @ 5400 rpm
Country Kit
Keyboard/Mac OS
Superdrive 8x (DVD+R DL/DVD+RW/CD-RW)
2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
1GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM - 2x512
Once Apple confirms the arrival of theÊMacBook, Serial Number:4H63073ZU9Ein its warehouse, Apple will, subject to the availability of the MacBook :MB062X/A, order and send to you at Computers Now, South Melbourne the MacBook :MB062X/A.
As previously communicated, the replacement product sent by Apple shall be a new product with a one-year limited warranty against hardware defects.
Important: Please respond to this mail with your confirmation that you agree to the process as described above, and I will forward your order for processing. I cannot forward your order until we receive your email in return.
Please reply to this mail for confirmation only.
It was a pleasure speaking with you. Feel free to contact me directly should you have any further questions or concerns regarding the replacement process.
Kind Regards,
Ben Gunasegaran
Customer Relations
P+61 02 9641 8286 F: +61 02 9261 1040
Apple Pty Ltd
PO Box A2629
Sydney South NSW 1235
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
My fight against Apple/Mac
I am currently undergoing a frustrating case against Steve Jobs' Apple. I bought a Macbook, about 8 months back and its mother-board(logic-board, in apple's language) crashed for the second time along with other multiple hardware/software faults.
I had to submit my minor thesis yesterday(15th May). all my works were in that machine. but i couldn't do that. the uni - RMIT was kind enough to give me an extension of two weeks.. God bless them.
I asked Apple to replace the machine.. but they are giving me a hard time.. I am just posting the letter, which I have send to Apple, Australia. I hope you will get a clear idea about my pain, efforts and struggle from this letter.
If you feel to SUPPORT ME in this just cause, please do so by sending a mail to the AppleCare Rep - BEN, in the following mail id.
Ben Gunasegaran
Customer Relations
Apple Pty Ltd
PO Box A2629
Sydney South NSW 1235
Sub: 7 days notice to replace faulty MacBook (Case No: 78384411)
I am writing this letter after the guidance of Consumer Affairs Victoria, Australian State Government Office, Melbourne, Victoria.
I have got great regards to Apple and Mac products. That is why I bought 2 Mac machines in the last 10 months - the second one is a pro and it works fine to this date. I've seen many friends using their Macs peacefully with reliability. It is supposed to be problem free and user friendly than any Windows machines.
But this particular machine which I am referring to (unit serial no: 4H63073ZU9E) is an extreme exception. You’ll have all the service history in your database (present case no: 78384411).
I bought it through online when Mac introduced the student discount system through online. My records say that it was delivered on 2nd Aug 2006. (I received it after couple of days though)
I suffered the major set back within few weeks, when it had multiple problems like, faulty display system (display was divided into six windows!), no more booting up, etc. I suspected multiple hardware issues. Finally, they said that it was logic board failure.
I send a mail dated 03/10/2006. The mail was send after a series of phone conversations with Apple Care rep and about after 1-2 weeks after the event. The relevant portion of mail is given below.
as you have suggested me over phone(case no: 68660653), i have given my macbook for diagnosis at applecare centre, Clarendon street, melbourne, yesterday(2nd Oct) since i was badly in need of my laptop last week(job no. 428162).
I insisted replacement of the machine for my gut feeling was that the above machine had some serious manufacturing defects. I got the reply like this:
Thanks for your email. Please dont for one second think that Apple is shying away from our responsibilities.
I do not agree that your machine has had too many hardware faults. It seems as though all the issues you described relate to one component. This can only be confirmed by the technician.
As discussed previously, I will await the report by the technician and make an assessment at that time. Should the unit need multiple major parts, then replacement is a stronger possibility.
I will await the report and get back to you.
Finally I accepted the Apple Care offer to replace the logic-board, hoping it will fix the issue once and for all. But I made it a point that, if there's any other serious issues, like problems with hardware, in the near future, Apple has to refund me the money or should replace the machine. The customer care officer responded positively over phone. I asked him to give it in writing. He had sent me this piece of message:
Hi Jaison,
As suspected, your machine needs ONE part. This part has caused the multiple issues you have experienced.
We advise that a repair needs to take place and should there be further issues down the road we can assess the case then.
I cannot see any previous repairs on the system and hope this is fixes the issues you raised.
Take care,
Again I experience a problem regarding the display in Nov 2006. They said it was only a software issue and fixed it..
HI Jaison,
I am glad the unit is now working and only needed a software update/software troubleshooting and not a HW repair.
As the unit is in working order i wish you the best.
Apple will not be replacing the machine.
Should you have any further issues, please contact Apple Customer relations and speak to the available agent.
But that was only the tip of an iceberg, as I suspected. Couple of weeks back I noticed that I was not able to use "Bluetooth" properly. It comes and goes off. Even if it comes, whenever I start to connect to my Nokia phone, it will cut off after few seconds. Then the worse thing happened. It stopped recharging, but intermittently - i.e., sometimes the plug light comes and goes off. I took it to the Mac shop at uni - RMIT, Melbourne. They also confirmed the fault. I contacted apple over phone. As they suggested, I took it to the Apple Care centre at Middle Park. In the very first instance, it worked. They advised me to take the machine with me and finish my thesis work at the earliest (coz I had to submit it on Tuesday (today, 15th may). I took the machine to home. it stopped working.. I took it back to service centre.. they confirmed the fault.
Yesterday I received a diagnostic report from service centre that the system experiencing multiple parts failures - logic-board failure and DVD drive failure. There was some problem with Bluetooth too. They could fix it, they say.
Now, there is a multiple part failure and all the more, the logic-board has failed again without any explicit reasons. (The apple service people couldn't figure that out, they said). I asked Apple Care rep to replace the machine with a new one by keeping their word. ("Should the unit need multiple major parts, then replacement is a stronger possibility" and "As suspected, your machine needs ONE part. This part has caused the multiple issues you have experienced. We advise that a repair needs to take place and should there be further issues down the road we can assess the case then")
But the Apple Care rep refused it. He says he will only repair the machine!
The repeated logic-board failure suggests that there are some mysterious issues, which cause it to fail again and again. It should be a manufacturing defect. The apple service centre people say that it is beyond their capacity to figure it out. So, the problem with this Macbook should not be solved with another logic-board replacement, for we haven't found out the reasons why it is failing. It is again going to be a trail-and-error approach.
I will be running out of warranty within couple of months. Apple Care rep is pushing me into a situation where, when the next failure happens, I will be out of warranty period. Moreover, I’ve got all the rights with other Mac-users to enjoy a problem free Mac machine. The previous 2 failures have been put me under a lot of mental pressure in many ways.
So, I request you to replace this machine (unit serial no: 4H63073ZU9E) with a new one.
The Apple Care rep encourages me to escalate a case in the Customer Care Victoria to prove my case. If I am pushed to a corner, that would be my last resort. So, as per the guidance of Consumer Affairs Victoria, I humbly request Apple to review my case and to replace it with a new one with the existing softwares in the old machine with in 7 days.
However, I am happy that my collages at RMIT and well-wishers in the community (by the way, I am a Catholic priest) stand beside me and they have already started an email-YouTube campaign to get me an affirmative answer from Apple. I will be sharing my story in “Today-Tonight” of Channel with all relevant proofs if the 7 day notice fails.
I request you to kindly consider my case with great understanding and replace the current machine under repair with a new one.
Yours truly,
Fr Jaison Paul Mulerikkal
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Priory
75, Wright Street
Middle Park, Melbourne
VIC, Australia. 3206
Mob: +61 433 893 593
E :
I had to submit my minor thesis yesterday(15th May). all my works were in that machine. but i couldn't do that. the uni - RMIT was kind enough to give me an extension of two weeks.. God bless them.
I asked Apple to replace the machine.. but they are giving me a hard time.. I am just posting the letter, which I have send to Apple, Australia. I hope you will get a clear idea about my pain, efforts and struggle from this letter.
If you feel to SUPPORT ME in this just cause, please do so by sending a mail to the AppleCare Rep - BEN, in the following mail id.
Ben Gunasegaran
Customer Relations
Apple Pty Ltd
PO Box A2629
Sydney South NSW 1235
Sub: 7 days notice to replace faulty MacBook (Case No: 78384411)
I am writing this letter after the guidance of Consumer Affairs Victoria, Australian State Government Office, Melbourne, Victoria.
I have got great regards to Apple and Mac products. That is why I bought 2 Mac machines in the last 10 months - the second one is a pro and it works fine to this date. I've seen many friends using their Macs peacefully with reliability. It is supposed to be problem free and user friendly than any Windows machines.
But this particular machine which I am referring to (unit serial no: 4H63073ZU9E) is an extreme exception. You’ll have all the service history in your database (present case no: 78384411).
I bought it through online when Mac introduced the student discount system through online. My records say that it was delivered on 2nd Aug 2006. (I received it after couple of days though)
I suffered the major set back within few weeks, when it had multiple problems like, faulty display system (display was divided into six windows!), no more booting up, etc. I suspected multiple hardware issues. Finally, they said that it was logic board failure.
I send a mail dated 03/10/2006. The mail was send after a series of phone conversations with Apple Care rep and about after 1-2 weeks after the event. The relevant portion of mail is given below.
as you have suggested me over phone(case no: 68660653), i have given my macbook for diagnosis at applecare centre, Clarendon street, melbourne, yesterday(2nd Oct) since i was badly in need of my laptop last week(job no. 428162).
I insisted replacement of the machine for my gut feeling was that the above machine had some serious manufacturing defects. I got the reply like this:
Thanks for your email. Please dont for one second think that Apple is shying away from our responsibilities.
I do not agree that your machine has had too many hardware faults. It seems as though all the issues you described relate to one component. This can only be confirmed by the technician.
As discussed previously, I will await the report by the technician and make an assessment at that time. Should the unit need multiple major parts, then replacement is a stronger possibility.
I will await the report and get back to you.
Finally I accepted the Apple Care offer to replace the logic-board, hoping it will fix the issue once and for all. But I made it a point that, if there's any other serious issues, like problems with hardware, in the near future, Apple has to refund me the money or should replace the machine. The customer care officer responded positively over phone. I asked him to give it in writing. He had sent me this piece of message:
Hi Jaison,
As suspected, your machine needs ONE part. This part has caused the multiple issues you have experienced.
We advise that a repair needs to take place and should there be further issues down the road we can assess the case then.
I cannot see any previous repairs on the system and hope this is fixes the issues you raised.
Take care,
Again I experience a problem regarding the display in Nov 2006. They said it was only a software issue and fixed it..
HI Jaison,
I am glad the unit is now working and only needed a software update/software troubleshooting and not a HW repair.
As the unit is in working order i wish you the best.
Apple will not be replacing the machine.
Should you have any further issues, please contact Apple Customer relations and speak to the available agent.
But that was only the tip of an iceberg, as I suspected. Couple of weeks back I noticed that I was not able to use "Bluetooth" properly. It comes and goes off. Even if it comes, whenever I start to connect to my Nokia phone, it will cut off after few seconds. Then the worse thing happened. It stopped recharging, but intermittently - i.e., sometimes the plug light comes and goes off. I took it to the Mac shop at uni - RMIT, Melbourne. They also confirmed the fault. I contacted apple over phone. As they suggested, I took it to the Apple Care centre at Middle Park. In the very first instance, it worked. They advised me to take the machine with me and finish my thesis work at the earliest (coz I had to submit it on Tuesday (today, 15th may). I took the machine to home. it stopped working.. I took it back to service centre.. they confirmed the fault.
Yesterday I received a diagnostic report from service centre that the system experiencing multiple parts failures - logic-board failure and DVD drive failure. There was some problem with Bluetooth too. They could fix it, they say.
Now, there is a multiple part failure and all the more, the logic-board has failed again without any explicit reasons. (The apple service people couldn't figure that out, they said). I asked Apple Care rep to replace the machine with a new one by keeping their word. ("Should the unit need multiple major parts, then replacement is a stronger possibility" and "As suspected, your machine needs ONE part. This part has caused the multiple issues you have experienced. We advise that a repair needs to take place and should there be further issues down the road we can assess the case then")
But the Apple Care rep refused it. He says he will only repair the machine!
The repeated logic-board failure suggests that there are some mysterious issues, which cause it to fail again and again. It should be a manufacturing defect. The apple service centre people say that it is beyond their capacity to figure it out. So, the problem with this Macbook should not be solved with another logic-board replacement, for we haven't found out the reasons why it is failing. It is again going to be a trail-and-error approach.
I will be running out of warranty within couple of months. Apple Care rep is pushing me into a situation where, when the next failure happens, I will be out of warranty period. Moreover, I’ve got all the rights with other Mac-users to enjoy a problem free Mac machine. The previous 2 failures have been put me under a lot of mental pressure in many ways.
So, I request you to replace this machine (unit serial no: 4H63073ZU9E) with a new one.
The Apple Care rep encourages me to escalate a case in the Customer Care Victoria to prove my case. If I am pushed to a corner, that would be my last resort. So, as per the guidance of Consumer Affairs Victoria, I humbly request Apple to review my case and to replace it with a new one with the existing softwares in the old machine with in 7 days.
However, I am happy that my collages at RMIT and well-wishers in the community (by the way, I am a Catholic priest) stand beside me and they have already started an email-YouTube campaign to get me an affirmative answer from Apple. I will be sharing my story in “Today-Tonight” of Channel with all relevant proofs if the 7 day notice fails.
I request you to kindly consider my case with great understanding and replace the current machine under repair with a new one.
Yours truly,
Fr Jaison Paul Mulerikkal
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Priory
75, Wright Street
Middle Park, Melbourne
VIC, Australia. 3206
Mob: +61 433 893 593
E :
Thursday, April 19, 2007
WYD and I-net
just experimenting.. got some new assignments for WYD.. something to do with blogs, inet communities, etc.. quite interesting!!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
me, jaison.. yep, jason with an 'i'; in my part of the world its very difficult to pronounce it as 'jason' without an 'i'. i think thats more rational!!
i'm a priest, a catholic carmelite syro-malabar priest.. u'll wonder, whats all about these adjs.. even, i do wonder abt it.. but it has got a lot to talk.
anyway, this is for the beginning.. i'll continue. god bless
i'm a priest, a catholic carmelite syro-malabar priest.. u'll wonder, whats all about these adjs.. even, i do wonder abt it.. but it has got a lot to talk.
anyway, this is for the beginning.. i'll continue. god bless
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