Federal elections at the doorstep and the ruling Liberal party, headed by Mr John Howard is trailing behind Labor in opinion polls, there's something quite interesting (ugly!?) happening in Australian politics.
The controversial Work Place Laws and government apathy to Global Warming/Environmental issues are holding Howard back. Quite interestingly, Australian public is silent about their continuing involvement in Iraq! (it seems that they are concerned about what affect their lifestyle rather than what their govt does to avail those resources (oil in this case)).
Now Howard has opened a new frontier for election battle - the aborigines! first of all this is not at all a new frontier. The occupation of Australia (?, I've met an aboriginal man at the soup kitchen run by Mother Theresa sisters @ Melbourne. He wont agree that its Australia. He said its "Red Sand Land" in the native language) is the story of the suppression of aboriginal people. It was the basic tactics used by the foreign occupants from the very beginning of 'Australia'. It is said that some tribes in Tasmania were wiped out literally (just shot the whole tribe down). To make it more clear, Australia boast of regaining the aboriginal population to the level at the time of first occupants, this year!
Howard is just back to their original card.
The issue will appear very legitimate and sincere - child abuse in aboriginal communities. All aboriginal communities are ugly. So, send troops. Compulsory medical check up for children. Moreover, regulate their rights over their land and govt incentives unless until they rectify their problem.
But the ugly tactics behind the proposal is explained as follows (its from www.rightsatwork.com.au discussion board)
The Howard Aboriginal land grab conspiracy
- First you pretend to show concern for people that you have never given a toss about before.
- You can then bring in new laws to control welfare payments using the Aborigines as a test case which will spread to the general populus later on after the election.
- Then you bring in the cavalary to pretend to clean up the problem.
Then you convince the general public that these people would be better off resettled amongst the general populus, just like any other refugee etc - So you move them from their land and then reclaim the land at a bargain basement price by paying off the Aboriginal Elders and offering them a deal they can't refuse. You then allocate mining rights to it, but you don't do this until after the election
- Before the election you just appeal to the emotions of the voters and try and score some browny points for being sympathetic to the Aborigine and absued childrens cause. After the election you go in for the kill because the voter sentiment no longer matters, and the usual core and non-core promises start flying around again.
- Task accomplished. Game set and match to Howard !!! More money for the mining industry and more trailor trash jobs for the rest of us. As well the Government can start to nobble welfare payments for anyone when they see fit. As for the aborigines it's out of sight out of mind !!!
courtesy (click)
The logic is very simple. Even if these evil intentions are exposed, the majority of general public will silently support it, because, it is a plan to steal again from the aboriginals and each and every one will get a share of it (as a job surplus). The business people are happy, coz they are the big winners - mining rights! Church wont rebel - its child abuse!
But its one of the greatest tragedies in the modern world - the plight of Aboriginals in Australia - a national shame.
God save the Aboriginals!
I'm curiously watching - whether Australian public will show slightest respect and honestly in this issue or will give their silent submission as in the case of Iraq!
1 comment:
hi jaison,
I dropped in to ask you what's happening in Australia in this issue, and I find a detailed post on it. Very well written. I request you to visit another blog which discusses the matter seriously, and planning a global tourist boycott call against Howard's policies.
The URL is,
Thank you.
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