Immigration must be cut to tackle climate change, says study - as reported by (Herald Sun). (IMMIGRATION must be slashed if Australia has any chance of seriously tackling climate change, says a Monash University study.)
I found that it was absurd and send a reply like this:
The term 'scientific' , 'research' and 'monash' are just decorative in this article. This is the most ABSURD thing that I have heard in the recent past. It seems that they are talking about "Australia warming" rather than "global warming"! Migration is only people moving from one part of the world to another. It's not going to affect the global warming. Or if the argument is to deprive people belonging to resource-less regions of the world (at the moment - like India or China) to confine to their regions, the policy will backfire. Then there wont be any moral ground for resource-ful countries (like Australia) to preach/persuade those countries. And those countries cannot be intimidated by economic or military pressures anymore. Like globalisation of resources, the globalisation of human resources cannot be reverted and should be continued (in a faster pace) without fail. And if we can read between these lines, there's one more thing to be done - which is the RIGHT thing to do - "Like all Australians they'll be living at twice the standard of living of current residents if the Government's predictions for per capita economic growth are correct,'' - BRING DOWN the CONSUMPTION of resources in resource-ful regions/countries of the world, because the the Globe's resources are limited.
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I'm afraid, this comment was not published by Herald Sun
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