What to say... I would like Obama to win (the US elections), but my vote (if I had) would go to Palin..
It's a dilemma.. Obama - as the first African American, I would like to be seen as the president of US. I dont know much about his 'change' rhetoric.. But as an alternative to 'BUSHism' it is good.
But.. Palin..
The introduction of Palin - a mother of 5 and a pro-life supporter, changes the whole scenario.. It's very hard to see those values (represented by Palin like, family, life, etc ) to be seen aloud in the public arena for quite a long time. To have 5 kids and to give birth to a babe, knowing that he would have Down's Syndrome is quite noble, challenging and heroic. And these values are essential for the survival of human race and to put themselves (at least) little higher than animal instincts.
And if those values comes into the mainstream of society, I would welcome them whole heartedly.. There's no second thought.
Sorry Obama.. unless until you don't have answer to Palin, my heart still goes for you, but not the vote!
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