I had this question in my mind for a while.. And something which I admire Australia for. In my recent visit to Toronto and New York, I shared this view to my friends over there. Australia is really well ahead of them in ecological sustainability matters. They do really care about it and identify it as a major issue. But not the cultures of US and Canada I witnessed, the media I listened, the people I met there.
But then why Australia is well ahead?
Usually Australia goes after US.. But in this case even the government is well ahead of US.. WHY?
I think, I got a practical and may be the most reasonable answer. Australia is the one who is more prone to the negative effects of climate change. Being the driest continent on earth and already experiencing series of droughts and dwindling food basket, Australia feels the pinch of climate change already. And the political leadership can easily see it and calls the whole world to stop it - the climate change disaster! Even the people from pacific nation may have to be absorbed into Australia, which they dont want.
Now, Australia want not only US but India and China on board to tackle climate change.
Well, India and China should come on board, but with conditions. If it is basically to ensure the well off of Australia (and other "developed" countries), there should be a price attached to it. The climate change discussions in the future also should include the matter of climate change refugees (eg. from pacific islands) and immigration.
That is, India and China should come on the board with the assurance that those "developed nations" whose well being is to be ensured by climate action should be bound to accept climate change refugees. They also should open their borders for immigration from India and China, who have got the largest population on earth, because their effort is going to benefit them.
Tail piece: I listened to radio yesterday saying that the first climate change refugees from one of the pacific islands were displaced to Papua New Gunnia (PNG). Where was Australia, the champion of climate change debate? A'nt they clever? Or they may be preparing Christmas Islands for them.. lol
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