This is the suggestion I send today to the High Commission of India in Australia as a response to the recent violent attacks on Indian students.
Mrs. Sujatha Singh
High Commissioner of India
Canberra, Australia
Sub: A creative suggestion to improve safety of Indian students in Australia - Student Settlement Services by Australian Universities.
I represent prestigious Rajagiri group of educational institutions Kochi, Kerala, India in Australia and heads it Australian operations as the Director of “Rajagiri Australia” (www.rajagiri.com.au). Rajagiri Australia has initiated twinning programs between Rajagiri, Kochi and major Australian universities and also serves as student agent for those Australian universities in India and Australia. In the wake the recent attacks on Indian students in Australia, I got the following suggestions to make to improve safety of Indian students in Australia.
1. Insist Australian Universities to provide Student Settlement and safety-net service.
The major problem of students coming to Australia is that they don’t get any other help from universities than the CoE (Confirmation of Enrolment) even after paying heavy fees. They just arrive in airport and don’t know where to go, where to settle and practically no contacts/references. In such desperation, they end up in unsafe suburbs/homes and pushed to take unsafe works and work habits, which eventually make them vulnerable targets.
The solution is to give them hospitality, settlement and reference services as they arrive to Australia. In theory the universities claim that they got these services. But in practice they just don’t have this for many reasons, like – they don’t set apart enough funds and plans for these services, they don’t have the expertise in settlement services, they simply cannot give reference services.
Agencies those have got expertise in these areas can easily provide these services. “Rajagiri Australia” is experimenting this kind of services to students coming through us in our own way. That is to provide students with airport pickup, shared accommodation facilities, availability of ongoing support through an office (presently our Melbourne office) and reference services (provide a network of people who can contact and trust).
Being a student myself, I have gone through all the troubles of student life in Australia. That is why I initiated this service. We can do it because we don’t have much monetary considerations as we are Catholic priests’ group and plan to set apart a big chunk of commission amount we get from Aus Universities(in recruiting students as an agent) to these services. But in general (for all other agencies), this is not possible. Because the commission amount is meant only for recruitment services and not enough/not meant for other additional services.
So, the suggestion is to encourage universities to provide these settlement services – for their students - which include airport pickup, accommodation services, agent office support, reference services - though their “authorized agents”. Universities should set apart a fixed amount (say 5% of first year fee) towards these services on the top of the commission to those agents. This will enable those agents to provide the above services to students.
2. Rate Australian universities and Settlement agencies to enforce higher safely for Indian students.
The Indian government should introduce separate rating/accreditation system for Australian universities and the proposed student settlement agents. Universities who provide this “Settlement services” should be given higher safely ratings by India government. It will provide better advice to prospective students to Australia. India government also shall accredit “Settlement” agencies after scrutiny.
This will give ample impetus to Australian Universities to adopt Settlement services as part of their student recruitment process and their Settlement agencies to perform well to give effective services to their student customers.
I live in Canberra. I will be very happy to give any further inputs regarding this suggestion by coming to your office. Please feel free to contact me.
With regards,
Fr Jaison Paul Mulerikkal CMI
ABN: 85 128 322 761
Web: www.rajagiri.com.au
Fr Jaison, nice to know that rajagiri has an incorporated subsidary in australia and that you are doing work for settlement of indian students.
i am really proud to hear the same. I am an ex-rajagirian MBA batch of 97-99 and currently reside in Bombay.
Arun Kuruvilla
Sr.Marketing Manager
Godrej, Head office.
Vikhroli, MUMBAI.
The above suggestion has been forwarded to Shashi Tharoor - Ext Affairs Minister (MoS), India. I got an acknowledgment back from Tharoor. But not from Aust High Commission, Canberra.
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