I posted the above comment (similar one) on twitter few minutes ago. I was browsing "The Australian". Got this amazing poll result. Australia wants to go nuclear! Just couple of months back, I remember a similar poll. The Australians were dead against Nuclear reactors. My supervisor is a Green. May be an year ago I told him that the opposition of Greens to Nuclear power is just bad/baseless/opportunistic. He was defending Green position with an impregnated silence. That was the mood of Australia. Now all on a sudden, Australia wants to go Nuclear! What a joke!

Its not just joke. Its the trait, that disturbs me. These people/culture/countries can change color at the glimmer of a time. All what they preach (whether it is democracy, economy, ecology, international relations) is valid for the period that "benefit" them. After that they can change color at any time - just like in Hollywood movies.
I never saw that kind of attitude in the East.
Since they cannot change color like that, they can easily be fooled. Hope Indian Greens ("the Third World Greens.. haha") will not be fooled to be instruments in the hands of "Developed World Greens" who could really use them for their benefit. Is there a consistent policy about Nuclear Energy for Greens though out the world.. I mean through out different countries in the world? I'm pretty sure there wont be. That's handy, isn't it!
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