On the outset of Australian elections, I endorse Liberal party and Tony Abbott for this election and encourage all my friends to vote for them when you go to the polling booth tomorrow.
Why do I endorse Tony and reject Julia Gillard? This is because:
There's a fundamental dishonesty in Julia Gillard in the way in which she annihilated her leader and came to power, which sets a wrong precedent and role model of young generations and Australian (and world) politics. Such tactics should not be endorsed by any responsible society.
There is a fundamental dishonestly in Julia Gillard when she says that she stands for "working families" and does not believe in family and openly in a de-facto relationship.
There's a fundamental dishonesty in Julia Gillard (and Labor) saying that they stand for "working class" and still the Resources Tax proposed by Labor is a "world tax" on resources and is going to exploit the poorest and the marginalized "working class" in developing and under-developed nations. Labor and Gillard don't stand for the principles of equity they preach as Labor core principle but promote exploitation of poor people in international levels through Resources Tax.
Tony Abbot rejects Resources Tax, supports family and ran a disciplined, positive and honourable campaign compared to Gillard. So, it is Tony this time!
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