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Thursday, November 8, 2012

New Evangelization in the Parishes

Last Sunday marked the conclusion of the 13th Ordinary Synod of Bishops on “the New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith” in Rome. In his final address Pope Benedict noted “it (new evangelization) applies, in the first instance, to the ordinary pastoral ministry… to inflame the hearts of the faithful who regularly take part in Community worship and gather on the Lord's day to be nourished by His Word and the Bread of Life eternal.” It can be read as an invitation to transform our parish activities, especially the parish life around Sunday observance as instruments for the new evangelization. The list of 58 prepositions suggested by the Synod to the Holy Father gives us some directions for the two-fold New Evangelization strategy of kerygma and catechism. Kerygma means the initial proclamation of the good news and catechism refers to the deepening of that experience in faith. Traditionally, parishes tend to be strong on catechetical efforts. So, the challenge of New Evangelization is to open new frontiers in Kerygmatic proclamation of Jesus along with renewed catechetical efforts. Synod suggests every parish to have a “Pastoral Plan of Initial Proclamation” that “animate its members to become agents of the New Evangelization, witnessing through both their words and their lives” as a first step towards becoming a kerygmatic parish (Propositions 9 & 44). Meaningful celebration of the Liturgy, sacrament of reconciliation, family visits, integrating migrants to parish community, parish missions, parish renewal programs and parish retreats are some other instruments proposed by the Synod (Propositions 21, 26 & 44). Let this Year of Faith help transform us into an evangelizing parish.

Ref: Synodal bulletin avaiable at:
Published in Corpus Christi parish bulletin on Sunday, 4th Nov 2012.

1 comment:

Tukod said...

We are using Alpha Course as Kerygma evangelization and followed by catechesis. We experienced differently than going catechesis immediately to the lapsed Catholics. I find your article a confirmation of waht we are doing. Kodus!