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Lance Corporal Jason Mark, a young Australian soldier was killed in Afghanistan today (28th April 08).
Then a Habiz made a comment on Herald Sun on the story:
well big deal millions people get kill in Iraq and Afghan! there are human too but no one has sympathy for them
Posted by: Habiz of Broadii 10:03am today
Comment 16 of 84
Within hours the forum was filled with the following comments. It reminds me that human being, whether white or black (or brown), muslim or christian has a long way to go... to reach the perfection and peace.
Here are those comments.... (u can also see my comment at Comment 57 of 84). Have a look at the last one->dreadful!
well big deal millions people get kill in Iraq and Afghan! there are human too but no one has sympathy for them
Posted by: Habiz of Broadii 10:03am today
Comment 16 of 84
Habiz, i hope one day you suffer the loss of a close family member, so some weak dog can say "big deal" behind the safety of their computer screen. Have some respect for the people who risk their lives in an attempt to make this world a better place.. Only days ago im sure you enjoyed a Public Holiday... And from the sound of it, thats all it meant to you. To nearly every Australian, ANZAC day was a day to remember and honour the returned and fallen soldiers of war. Yet here you are tarnishing the death of a commited Australian solier, a father of two and a husband You, Habiz are a discrace.
Posted by: Daniel of frankson 10:26am today
Comment 20 of 84
Have a little respect for a soldier of one of the best forces in the world. Remember these guys are sent overseas. Obviously Habiz we would not have have seen you at ANZAC day. Who says there is no sympathy for people who get killed in Iraq/Afgan, they are also killing there own there, remember that.
Posted by: Simon of Melbourne 10:31am today
Comment 22 of 84
Habiz of Broadii: Do you stand erect or do you still walk on all fours get real mate evolve like the rest of us humans you goose
Posted by: stephen clark of st kilda 10:57am today
Comment 28 of 84
Sincere condolences to the family of the late L/C Marks,may he he rest in peace. Habiz your comments are disrespectful and very foolish. I admit to not being an expert on the Iraq/Afghanistan war situations, perhaps some one can inform me why people are in uproar over our troops being in Iraq yet are mostly silent on them being in Afghanistan, in fact i believe more of our troops have lost their lives in Afghanistan than Iraq. Why does Rudd play up the withdrawal of troops from Iraq yet continues to leave 1000+ in Afghanistan. What is the difference?
Posted by: grumpy of north of gepps cross 11:04am today
Comment 30 of 84
Habiz and Lyn have both made valid points. They have made rational statements that aren't driven by immediate emotion. Whilst you may not agree with their angles or views they have a right to speak their minds. Greatest sympathies to the family of the deceased soldier, but any society that can say they have only had 5 citizens die in the Afghan conflict is a lucky one. For this we can thank those soldiers and a government who seeks to protect our interests. I also doubt Habiz's name is actually that- if I wanted to stir the pot here I'd use a foreign name too.
Posted by: Wayne of Port Melb 11:43am today
Comment 39 of 84
I am an European migrant of 55 years living in this wonderful and bountiful country (I came here with my mum when I was little) and its when I read comments like yours Habiz I know that I can be racist. For it is the likes of you and others like you that are not welcomed in this country. You come here and reap off the benefits, but you have no respect for our culture or its people. Go get lost BACK TO WHERE YOUR FROM PATHETIC MORON and let the true Australians mourn our brave serviceman, my sincerest condolences to Lance Corporal Jason Marks family may He Rest in Peace
Posted by: annie of st albans 1:23pm today
Comment 49 of 84
Habiz you moron.....go home....what? too scared....that's right being protected by Australia.....how ironic....can't believe we protect and waste our time with low life's like you......RIP & thank you Jason Marks, my condolences to his family.....
Posted by: Love it or leave it of Australia 1:32pm today
Comment 53 of 84
With due respect to the fallen soldier, let me say, "Habiz of Broadii", you made a very valid point. We don't want too may hypocrites in this country. We also feel for those innocent lives in the war-torn countries.
Posted by: Jaison of Canberra 1:49pm today
Comment 57 of 84
Does anyone apart from Habiz know where Habiz was born? Why are people assuming that he wasn't born here? Is it because his opinions are offensive? Nobody has suggested that Lyn of Melbourne was born elsewhere, even though her comments are just as (stupid and) offensive. In fact at least Habiz (kind of) has a point: we do need to remember that this war has killed many people, from both sides, as well as those that don't have a side. And Amanda of Melbourne, yes you are a racist. Is that something to be proud of?
Posted by: Brendan of Melbourne 3:53pm today
Comment 64 of 84
PEOPLE, leave habiz alone....hes from the illiterate and ignorant suburb of broadii, what do you expect???
Posted by: Jeff 4:06pm today
Comment 65 of 84
I was at a suburban Anzac Service yesterday and was one of over 150 people who listened to a speech conducted by a young Sergeant who has recently returned from Afghanistan. What he said was spine-chilling, then to hear of the death of Lance Corporal Marks todays makes the Sergeant even more chilling. Many of those in attendance, including myself, had tears in their eyes listening to this young man talk of what dangers our soldiers are in while trying to help nearby communities to the same freedom we accept as our right. Maybe Lyn and Habiz need to seek out such returned servicemen as this Sergeant and hear their story. I send my Deepest Condolences to Lance Corporal Mark's family and friends. May he rest in peace and LEST WE FORGET.
Posted by: Elayne of Melbourne 4:24pm today
Comment 72 of 84
WAR....what is it good for.........Absolutley everything, freedom, alliance, the almighty green back and fighting for your beleifs, and the most imprtant yours and our future
Posted by: Dwayne of Melbourne 4:21pm today
Comment 70 of 84