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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Australia has spoken!

Finally, Australia has spoken... They proved that they've got a heart! good.

Howard looses the general election 2007.. He may even lose his seat.

Australia has spoken!

Finally, Australia has spoken... They proved that they've got a heart! good.

Howard looses the general election 2007.. He may even lose his seat.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Last Question to Mr Howard - Letter to the Editor (The Age)

Mr Howard says that he would not take action against Ms Chijoff even if her husband was involved in the bogus Islamic ALP pamphlet for 'her husband may have done a foolish thing, that should not automatically be visited upon her'. Good moral principle, huh (if Ms Chijoff is clean!!)!

What was your moral stand when you proudly announced the detention of Dr Mohamed Haneef only because he was the cousin of someone involved in a criminal act abroad? Morality of convenience, huh? Australia may deserve a leader not a hypocrite (but it's up to them!).

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Australia Decides 2007

The Australian Federal Elections are due next Saturday. I am not an astrologer to predict the winner!

Kevin Rudd's Labor has been consistently leading the opinion polls (as they did in all previous elections they lost) against Howard's Liberals. I just make an analysis of the outcome, whether it is Labor or Liberal.

Kevin seems to have a plan. He identifies the importance of education in Australia to compete with India and China. I think that's a good move. The present economic boom in Australia is supported by the mining boom alone. That will be there. But equipping young Australian with necessary skills will give them a cutting edge, no doubt. His policies on climate change and Iraq seems to be more ethical. Kevin is good for Australia.

On the other hand Howard is stuck up with his Work choices, which will give more rights to bosses for "Hire and Fire". The common people will still enjoy an apparent economic prosperity out of the economic boom sustained by 'mining or resource' industry. (The logic is simple: allow big bosses to exploit the resources - India and China will buy it. Get peanuts out of the bosses in the form of minimal taxes and share it with 20 million - not a big deal). But he will sell uranium to India! He will still support skilled migrants to support the bosses. He wont quit from Iraq and keep Australia a target of extremists well ahead of countries like India, which suffered very badly from extremism in the past. He may be good for countries like India.

PS: However the 'climate clever' tactics of Howard will not have a fare run in international arena, I guess. It's not 16th century to fool India and China to take responsibility of mess created by 'worst emitters' in the world. They are in command too.