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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Speech at the Inaugural Ceremony of Summer School at National University of Defense Technology, China, 2011

Respected members of the faculty, students and ladies and gentlemen,

I am very happy to be here for this prestigious international summer school at China’s National University of Defense Technology, Changsha. I consider it as a privilege and as a great opportunity. I am sure that all participants of this summer school would also feel the same.

Let me introduce myself. I am Jaison  Paul Mulerikkal. I am doing Phd at the Australian National University, Canberra. I am an Australian resident and an Indian national. I am doing my Phd in High Performance Scientific Computing. My research is to solve scientific problems using “Service Oriented Approach (SOA)” with high performance results. In the past year or so, Service Oriented Approach has evolved itself into Cloud Computing. So the research has directed more towards using Cloud Computing platforms for High Performance Scientific Computing.

I heard about this summer school through one of the old students of NUDT – Ting Cao, who is presently doing Phd at Australian National University at our department. I looked at the flier (brochure) and the website of the summer school. I was thrilled to see the great line-up of distinguished international resource-persons coming for this summer school and the topics they deal with. Then I googled (searched internet) to find that NUDT has developed the world’s fastest super-computer in 2010. I thought these guys are awesome! I made up my mind, that I should be part of this great event. So, I am here and I am very glad to be here.

I am very happy at the services provided by the organizers of this summer school. They were very helpful from the very beginning and through out the process. They have provided us with necessary paper work for visa, airport pickup, good friends to assist at the hotel and at the university. Very well done and big thank you to all the organizers.

Myself, and all other participants of this summer school are looking forward to have a great academic experience for the next two weeks. I am sure that we will have a good time in learning, understanding and sharing our knowledge in High Performance Computing area, which will benefit the whole humanity for peaceful and harmonious living.

This is my first visit to China. To be honest, you have exceeded my expectations. A great civilization with very good infrastructure and peace-loving people all around. I hope to continue to enjoy the warm hospitality of Chinese people for the next two weeks to come.

Once again thanking all of you,

Hen gou shing, jian do ni (Happy to meet you!).
Thanks. Sheshe.

Jaison Paul Mulerikkal
Australian National University