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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Climate Change/Global Warming politics

Climate Change/Global Warming politics is simple.. if the highest emitters (per capita & of historic footprint) dont act and compensate (mostly developed nations), the lowest emitters (mostly developing nations) have the right to raise the living standards of their people cheaply, as most of the highest emitters did in the past.

Then highest emitters have to keep quite (no preaching) and lowest emitters (per capita and historic footprint) of populous countries of China and India will get the license to emit more.

In the past we could have "told" China or India to "stop" emitting. But not any more.

Only incentive for China or India to focus on global warming could be the "green" economy that may develop in the developed nations. China and India wont like to "miss that bus" (They already missed industrial revolution). If that's to happen, developed nations (who are indeed biggest emitters) should turn to "green" economies. That is, we need ETS or something similar.

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