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Sunday, April 1, 2012

On Equity and Environmental Issues

 Thanks Shobin Mathew for the post/blog. I had similar views 15 years back and my minor thesis for Bachelor in Philosophy was on Pritvi Sukta (Earth Chat from Vedas) on enviornmental issues and published an article in Kerala Times daily (that daily is no more running now!). But I have changed my postion after that. "Its all about economy, stupid" (Cliton's famous quote). Developing nations dont have a responsibility and should not take responsibility for the mess created by others for centuries. They need to progress and for that they need to consume. That is a question of equity. Otherwise their poor masses will remain poor for ever. But its good to use clean energy technologies as long as it dont hurt their economies. Any argument agaist that is to make poor poorer in the present world order. Peace and progress. 
I wanted to  promote a campaign for Earth Hour, like "Keep a light Burning" during "Earth Hour" to keep those poorest masses in our minds and their right to develop. 

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