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Sunday, July 22, 2007

40 years with Petrol... After that?

Here is a small report from one of the July 07 editions of Time Magazine.

The report goes like this:

Every year BP (British Petroleum) produces a report about the status of world fossil fuel reserves. This year's report suggest that we (Earth!) have more petroleum reserves than we have thought in the past. extensive graphs are shown to corroborate the facts. Quite obviously, the largest reserves are in the middle east. U can see the skyscrapers in the picture (its inverted though). They represent the middle east petrol reserves.

Here is the tail piece. All these reserves will be enough to support the Earth's requests at the current rate for another 40 years.....

40 years...

so after 40 years?

no need to go after more reasons to know the interest of some PEOPLE in the middle east... the war, Iraq, civil war....

keep guessing... curious to know your reflections too...

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